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Weekly Watchlist: Insiders Buying Into the Crash

July 18, 2022

Concentrix (CNXC)

CNXC Chart
CNXC Chart

Concentrix is a “consumer experience” company. That means its job is to pack as many buzzwords into a powerpoint as possible to get customers to buy their consulting services.

The stock is about 40% off its highs, and the CFO came in and picked up 2,500 shares at $127/share.

The CFO knows the company’s financials, as I reiterate often. If they’re buying, it’s wise to keep an eye on this one.

That said, I’d like to see the name stabilize a little bit more, and will be looking for a long opportunity soon.

Byrna Technologies (BYRN)

BYRN Chart
BYRN Chart

This company makes guns, but not the kind that kill.

They’re trying to create less-than-lethal munitions for both LEO and individual use.

Good luck.

Regardless of whether they succeed, though…

The Chief Strategy officer increased his stake by 89% the other day, buying 10k shares at $7.76/share. 

This is an “extreme buy,” meaning he bought a large amount relative to his position before the buy. Extreme buys are strong indicators of insider conviction.

The stock has potentially knocked out a higher low, so it’s worth a look in the next few weeks.

Sonim Technologies (SONM)

SONM Chart
SONM Chart

This trashy little subpenny stock saw some big buys this week. 

The CEO dropped $800k into the stock.

Not to be outdone, a director just bought $11MM.

View this as a trade, not an investment. there’s dilution risk from shelf offerings and related matters happening into further spikes create dilution risk…

So be nimble if you want to trade this one.

There are your 3 weekly insider stocks to watch (and consider adding to your portfolio).

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