Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details
Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details
THIS Could Help You Smash Inflation, learn how to join them here
Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details

Recent Articles

June 29, 2022
Why You Should Consider OTM Options

Last week, we talked about how in a market crash, the best option is sometimes to be a buyer instead of a seller.

The risk-reward is much better.

But after publishing that piece, a few readers reached out to ask …

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June 29, 2022
How to Buy the Dip in Energy Stocks

Take a look at this chart:

S&P 500 Chart
S&P 500 Chart

See anything that sticks out?

If you said “energy stocks,” you’d be right.

With gas prices rising and demand surging, energy stocks have dominated this market… 

But now, with the Fed …

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June 28, 2022
1 Stock Pattern to Watch Out For When Timing the Bottom

The S&P is down 30% off the highs, but it’s truly been a bloodbath in tech stocks.

Trying to time the bottom and hold for a longer move can be tempting, but you have to have a plan…

And think …

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June 28, 2022
Supreme Court Headlines Buried This Juicy Financial News

This month, SCOTUS decided to go scorched earth with some of the most “hot-button” political issues in America.

Those decisions and the social fallout have hogged the headlines and social media feeds across America.

Meanwhile, a little piece of financial …

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June 27, 2022
Weekly Market Primer: Was Friday’s Squeeze Short-Lived?


SPY Chart

SPY Chart

Friday felt like a proper gamma squeeze. 

This is when too many players get caught short calls and are forced to buy into strength…

Causing a huge momentum shift in the market.

Gamma squeezes can lead to

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June 27, 2022
Weekly Watchlist: Should You Bet on This Gas Company?


PAA Chart
PAA Chart

We’re starting to see some proper dip-buying in the energy space. 

A director at Plains All American Pipeline (PAA) — a midstream gas company — bought nearly 2 million shares of the company’s stock.

This same director …

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