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Recent Articles

August 29, 2022
Weekly Market Primer: A Good Time to Buy the Dip?

Hey, it's Steve here again with the market analysis video.

Go watch below, you will find it very useful.

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August 26, 2022
A Tale Of Two Traders

Original Post Can be Found Here

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August 26, 2022
The Best Lubricant For "Sticky" Inflation

This week, the Biden administration announced a $500-billion Student Loan Forgiveness plan…

Which, of course, isn’t “forgiving” to hard-working taxpayers who will be saddled with the bill…

But that’s another story for another time.

I wish I could say this …

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Sunscreen And Swamp Marsh = Huge Windfall?

Occasionally, given what I do for a living I get invited out by certain companies to take a look at their operations.

Since I have an audience, these companies want me to do a write-up on them and let my

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August 25, 2022
Bed, Bath, And Bag Holder?

Last week I talked quite a bit about Meme Stocks and how chasing after them should land you in a fluorescent-lit room confessing your gambling addiction.

One of the big movers in this category last week was Bed Bath and …

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August 24, 2022
This BioTech’s “Initial Insider Offering” Signals Big Waves Ahead

Yesterday I revealed a huge insider buy in SMMT and how the company CEO dropped tens of millions into the company.

Of course, it gives him a chance to make a boatload on the meteoric rise of SMMT if trials …

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