Deep Dark Market Conspiracy Revealed, click here to learn more
Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details
Deep Dark Market Conspiracy Revealed, click here to learn more
Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details

Recent Articles

September 28, 2022
Why This “Liquidity Quicksand” Could Swallow Your 401K

One look at this has me spooked…



See that giant “void” in the volume levels of the chart?

You can think of it like “quicksand” in the markets… it’s a liquidity pocket where very little volume has traded.


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September 27, 2022
The REITurn Of Yield
Mortgage Rates Chart
Mortgage Rates Chart

What you’re looking at is a chart of 30-year fixed mortgage rates.

Once inflation popped it’s head above the surface, we saw these rates go full “hockey stick” for the first time since the Great Financial Crisis.…

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September 27, 2022
We’ll Have Fun, Fun, Fun Till Powell Takes The T Bonds Away…

If you’ve spent 10 minutes on the internet in the last few years, you’ve definitely heard some self-satisfied halfwit spew out the line…

“Correlation does not equal causation.”

It’s almost always used to bolster a half-baked argument to begin with… …

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September 26, 2022
Weekly Market Primer: This Is The Yen… My Only Friend The Yen

Hey everyone, 

No… I’m not doing a terrible impersonation of Jim Morrison…

And I’m not in my normal format.

That’s because extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

A video with a breakdown of the markets seemed a bit “inappropo” given

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September 26, 2022
Insiders In Mud Huts Shouldn’t Throw Water Balloons

Most of the time, the really good insider opportunities come from execs in smaller companies. 

This is because the insiders of larger companies are already well-compensated with gobs of stock…

So they tend to be net sellers.

But every now …

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September 23, 2022
Color Outside The Lines With These Non- Stock Trade Setups

Wishful thinking is a powerful drug…

It makes you daydream all sorts of “gum drops and cotton candy” futures that often don’t come to pass.

I am just as guilty as the next trader (yes, even after all these years).

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