Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details
Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details
Deep Dark Market Conspiracy Revealed, click here to learn more
Hidden “Bull Run” Signal Most Traders Don’t Know About, go here for the details

Recent Articles

October 7, 2022
Shell Shocked…

The current markets remind me a lot of trench warfare…

You spend days ducking your head down, hoping a mortar won’t land close enough to take you out…

Most investors are shell shocked right now.  

They’ve got just enough courage …

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October 6, 2022
Gailforce Tailwinds From This Silvery, White Mineral

Nope, I’m not talking about brewing up a batch of moonshine that would make your grandpappy proud…

I’m talking about a bonafide 3 bagger opportunity, even with all the systemic risk we’ve currently got on the horizon.

Why do I

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October 6, 2022
How To Bag Triples In A Recession

Yes, it’s absolutely possible… in fact, it’s even easier than finding the rocket rides in the boom times.

Lots of folks missed all the weirdo “alt coins” that pumped 10,000% in 2021…

And it was made all the more difficult …

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October 5, 2022
Profiting From The “Copperfield Effect”

If you’re old enough, you might remember David Copperfield’s most famous illusion… making the Statue of Liberty disappear.

Copperfield covered up Lady Liberty under a big, red tarp… did a little dog and pony show… pulled the tarp away and… …

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October 5, 2022
The Sweet Spot Trade

One of my favorite kinds of bottoming patterns is developing on a bunch of different names.

See, while much of the market traded terribly over the past few months…

… a lot of names took the brunt of their damage

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October 4, 2022
Did The Fed Just Flinch?

Last Thursday, with a busy news week loaded with lots of market mishaps…

A very underappreciated headline hit the airwaves (Check it out here).

It seems that Powell and Co have called a “last minute” meeting for the …

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