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The FTX Saga Continues, And It’s Bleeding Into Tech Stocks

November 10, 2022

Well that didn’t take long!

After less than a day of due diligence, Binance pulled out of a deal to bail out fellow exchange FTX.

And now, it’s getting weird… 

We’ve got accusations they traded client funds and levered up to bail out Alameda (the hedge fund they’re tied to).

Then the founder of FTX declared personal bankruptcy, and nobody has heard from him since.

There’s a lotta people looking for him, including several governments. 

He’s in a heap of trouble.

Given the size of FTX, this feels like an “Enron” event that completely shakes faith in the markets.

I’m very optimistic on crypto as a whole, but there’s something to be said for having regulatory guardrails like in every other capital market.

Now, I recognize there’s a lot of moral hazard that goes along with regulation…

Especially when most of that power is concentrated in sprawling bureaucracies completely unaccountable to the subjects they lord over…

But, on the other hand… it can also open up opportunities to capitalize.

It turns out, buried on the SEC’s own website, is a loophole that lets average retail investors win BIG in the stock market. 

I recently did a quick training with the founder of Market Traders Daily to outline exactly what this loophole is…

And how regular investors and traders like you are using it to bank 3 digit moon rides even in the nastiest bear market in over a decade.

>>> SEC Loophole Leads to a 2188% Gain

Original Post Can be Found Here