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How Deep State Corruption Can Cram Your Account With CASH

October 18, 2022

It should be obvious by now that having non-public information (NPI) is one of the best ways to make big gains in the market…

As long as you don’t get caught, that is.

You might remember when Martha Stewart took a little retreat to Club Fed…

… when she got caught trading on NPI?

Last year we learned of Congressional members trading stock during the pandemic… but that’s old news.

We’ve also seen the Federal Reserve ban trading after they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Recently, we caught wind of more Deep State actors looking to make a dollar and a dime off of NPI.

This time it’s the FTC. The Federal Trade Commission.

As an investor, you’ve obviously heard about the SEC for securities…

And traders hear a lot about the CFTC for commodities.

But the FTC is where companies can really get in a lot of trouble. 

Because if they lie about their products, or if they turn out to be defective…

… the Fed will bring down the hammer… can you spell LITIGATION?

That ultimately leads to the company plowing money into cleaning up the mess… resulting in lower profits.

Seems to me that could be valuable intel that might cause a company’s stock to really move.

If the FTC gives you the green light… your stock might experience a nice pop.

So say your friendly neighborhood Washington Insider at the FTC knew about these decisions…

And maybe they were buying the stock ahead of the announcement?

Yup, Deep State bureaucrats don’t earn enough suckling off the taxpayer’s teat…

… so they engineered their own “bonus” by trading on NPI.

See this?

Steve Place
Steve Place

This is my shocked face.

Those on the inside of the system continue to try and get a leg up while pulling up the ladder behind them. 

Fortunately for us, there’s a 100% legal way to use this NPI in our favor…

>>> Pull The Same Lever Deep State Corruptocrats Use To Trade On Insider Intel

Original Post Can be Found Here